Software House

Dreaming Lab and its challenge: finding a qualified Software Developer for an important European Union project

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Software House

Dreaming Lab and its challenge: finding a qualified Software Developer for an important European Union project

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dreaming lab logo
Software House

Dreaming Lab and its challenge: finding a qualified Software Developer for an important European Union project

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“TimeFlow is the only solution that makes the meeting of demand and supply fast and intuitive”

Federica Chillà

IT Recruiter Specialist
Dreaming Lab


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“TimeFlow is the only solution that makes the meeting of demand and supply fast and intuitive”

Federica Chillà

IT Recruiter Specialist
Dreaming Lab


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“TimeFlow is the only solution that makes the meeting of demand and supply fast and intuitive”

Federica Chillà

IT Recruiter Specialist
Dreaming Lab

Software House
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Developers hired in
7 days

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Dreaming Lab

Swiss software house, specialized in IT consulting and the development of highly professional digital solutions.

The Dreaming Lab team consists of 15 people, including employees and external consultants, covering various areas such as back-end, front-end, and full-stack development.

The company stands out for its ability to manage projects of varying complexity and its inclination towards innovation.

Software House
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Developers hired in
7 days

Average score


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Dreaming Lab

Swiss software house, specialized in IT consulting and the development of highly professional digital solutions.

The Dreaming Lab team consists of 15 people, including employees and external consultants, covering various areas such as back-end, front-end, and full-stack development.

The company stands out for its ability to manage projects of varying complexity and its inclination towards innovation.

company type
Software House

Developers hired in
7 days

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Average score



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Dreaming Lab

Swiss software house, specialized in IT consulting and the development of highly professional digital solutions.

The Dreaming Lab team consists of 15 people, including employees and external consultants, covering various areas such as back-end, front-end, and full-stack development.

The company stands out for its ability to manage projects of varying complexity and its inclination towards innovation.

The challenge

Dreaming Lab was looking for a Software Developer experienced in Drupal 8 and 9 for an important project commissioned by the European Union.

The search was particularly challenging due to the scarcity of developers skilled in this technology and the high selection standards required by the European Union.

Despite having posted the job offer on numerous portals dedicated to staff recruitment such as LinkedIn, Indeed, and Facebook, Dreaming Lab was facing significant difficulties in finding suitable candidates to fill the position.

boxing gloves

The solution

black and white flag

Thanks to posting their requirement on the B2B Marketplace, Dreaming Lab came into contact with Adalot, a Technology Partner active in the IT sector for over 10 years.

Despite the rigorous selection standards imposed by the European Union, the Software House was able to meet the request of one of its main business partners by engaging a Software Developer deemed suitable for the required position.

Furthermore, by subscribing to TimeFlow, Dreaming Lab comes into daily contact with other entities in the IT sector, paving the way for potential interesting partnerships and discussions on various aspects of the IT world.

The challenge

Dreaming Lab was looking for a Software Developer experienced in Drupal 8 and 9 for an important project commissioned by the European Union.

The search was particularly challenging due to the scarcity of developers skilled in this technology and the high selection standards required by the European Union.

Despite having posted the job offer on numerous portals dedicated to staff recruitment such as LinkedIn, Indeed, and Facebook, Dreaming Lab was facing significant difficulties in finding suitable candidates to fill the position.

boxing gloves

The solution

black and white flag

Thanks to posting their requirement on the B2B Marketplace, Dreaming Lab came into contact with Adalot, a Technology Partner active in the IT sector for over 10 years.

Despite the rigorous selection standards imposed by the European Union, the Software House was able to meet the request of one of its main business partners by engaging a Software Developer deemed suitable for the required position.

Furthermore, by subscribing to TimeFlow, Dreaming Lab comes into daily contact with other entities in the IT sector, paving the way for potential interesting partnerships and discussions on various aspects of the IT world.

Dreaming Lab was looking for a Software Developer experienced in Drupal 8 and 9 for an important project commissioned by the European Union.

The search was particularly challenging due to the scarcity of developers skilled in this technology and the high selection standards required by the European Union.

Despite having posted the job offer on numerous portals dedicated to staff recruitment such as LinkedIn, Indeed, and Facebook, Dreaming Lab was facing significant difficulties in finding suitable candidates to fill the position.

black and white flag

The solution

boxing gloves

The challenge

Thanks to posting their requirement on the B2B Marketplace, Dreaming Lab came into contact with Adalot, a Technology Partner active in the IT sector for over 10 years.

Despite the rigorous selection standards imposed by the European Union, the Software House was able to meet the request of one of its main business partners by engaging a Software Developer deemed suitable for the required position.

Furthermore, by subscribing to TimeFlow, Dreaming Lab comes into daily contact with other entities in the IT sector, paving the way for potential interesting partnerships and discussions on various aspects of the IT world.